Goals, Not Resolutions

Goals, Not Resolutions

When it comes to resolutions, I have a sense that they’re practically set to fail from the start. Goals though, feel different.

I’ve been thinking a lot about goals lately since I’ve been getting myself in gear to breathe new life into Archivalry. You see, Archivalry started out a bit as a side project …a test to see “what if?” And the results of that test were positive — the “what if?” has become a “let’s do this!"

So, I’ve been busy doing my research and preparing for the next stage of building Archivalry into something great. Which brings me back to the topic of goals. It’s hard to keep any goals if you don’t set them. And there are a lot of them for me to set and act on now.

One of those goals has been to write in this journal more often. I was originally going to title this post “I’m NOT a Blogger,” along with an explanation about my resolution (there’s that word again) to post more content.

But then I wondered if maybe I AM a blogger? Not necessarily a “typical” blogger, but then, what is typical? That’s what this medium is all about — an opportunity to show the world what I'm all about and what makes me tick. Please join me as I embark on this journey of sharing more though Archivalry’s journal.

It’s my goal to give you a behind-the-scenes view of Archivalry as my passion grows stronger everyday. 

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